Date: Mon, 28 Feb 94 04:30:26 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #53 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 28 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 53 Today's Topics: Get backe to kiss off mode in AEA PK-88 ? Link between Sun and Mac, suggestion? Need info ... NOS IP ADDRESSES Tekk Radio KS-960 at 9600 baud Using packet radio to access an internet account... (3 msgs) Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 27 Feb 1994 00:35:49 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!news!!! Subject: Get backe to kiss off mode in AEA PK-88 ? To: I am testing the version 920603 KA9Q. So I turn on the KISS mode under Telix program. But now How can I turn off the kiss mode ? According to the PK-88 manual, section of KISS command. I need to return from command mode from host mode. How can I do that ? Thanks for any pointer Tyng-Jing -- Tyng-Jing Yang #221 Sec. 2 Chin-Nein Rd. Fong-Shang City 830,Taiwan FAX/Phone: +886-7-7423118 OK) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 21:14:35 GMT From:!agate!!!!! Subject: Link between Sun and Mac, suggestion? To: In article <> Joseph Chen, writes: >I'm considering to set up a link between the Sun workstation and a >Macintosh running MacTCP. Via ham radio, of course. I'm totally NEW to >the world of ham radio, but have some experience in networking. Any >suggestion (hardware, software, policy..) is appreciated. I don't know about the radio link but software that can be used are such as MacX to get xwindows access, Fetch for ftp connections, Versaterm or Macterminal with the MacTCP tool for remote terminal connections. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 19:22:49 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!! Subject: Need info ... To: I am a novice in packet radio. I want to know more about setting up a communication link using packet radio. I've checked faq - doesn't help much. My friend lives about 50 km from my home. His house is not connected by a telephone line yet (telephone lines are scarce resources in my country). So using modem is out of the question. We like to link our PCs using packet radio instead; he has a call-sign anyway. My questions: - What's the feasible range of packet radio, and at what speed ? - Is it possible for speed > 1200 bps ? 1200 bps seems too slow. To transfer 120 kbytes file will take 20 minutes. - How much does a TNC cost ? - Is TNC software controllable ? I mean, if one frequency is 'noisy' then can TNC switch to other frequency automatically (programmable via PC) ? - Some people use CB for longer range (voice). But I think it is more noisy than FM. Is CB suitable for packet radio ? Any reference to 'guide to using packet radio' handbook or manual is appreciated. Thanks. SH. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Feb 94 09:10:21 -0500 From:!!!!usc!!!! Subject: NOS IP ADDRESSES To: Is there any place on Internet that I can look up IP addresses or get a list of all the Kentucky IP addresses? Tim TGOODIN @ DELPHI.COM ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 15:29:32 GMT From:!!!! Subject: Tekk Radio KS-960 at 9600 baud To: Has anyone had success with the Tekk KS-960 on 9600 baud? Several of us bought these new models but have had little success at 9600 baud packet. They seem to work fine at 1200 baud. Anyone have some ideas on how to modify or fix to run at 9600? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Feb 94 18:00:36 GMT From:!nyx10! Subject: Using packet radio to access an internet account... To: Is it possible to use packet radio, and a laptop computer to access the internet? Are there gateways set up, or would it be possible to set them up? Thanks - -- W. Robert Nelson ( ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 19:47:33 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: Using packet radio to access an internet account... To: (W. Robert Nelson) wrote: >Is it possible to use packet radio, and a laptop computer to access the >internet? Are there gateways set up, or would it be possible to set them >up? There's a lot of stuff on the Internet that can't legally be sent over packet. How do you plan to filter that out before you have a chance to look at it? -- ------------------------------------------------------ Jack Hamilton Postal: POB 281107 SF CA 94128 USA Packet: ------------------------------ Date: 27 Feb 1994 01:44:39 GMT From:!agate!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! Subject: Using packet radio to access an internet account... To: WN> WN> Is it possible to use packet radio, and a laptop computer to WN> access the internet? Are there gateways set up, or would WN> it be possible to set them up? Yup, it's called AMPERNET, or ham's running a NOS type of program. -- ____________________________________________________________________________ | David AmperNet - www | | VE3TOS Internet - (o o) | |__________________ Packet - ve3tos@va3bbs.#scon.on.can.noam__oOO__(_)__OOo_| ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Feb 1994 05:38:08 GMT From: world! To: References , , Subject : Re: megabit per second packet (was "Re: Packet at 1.2 GHz (23cm)?") In article (Mark_Bramwell) writes: >>>I dropped all HAM stuff and picked up a pair of commercial wireless network >>>cards. They operate at 902-928 1/4 watt. They give you 2meg/sec. They >>>have packet drivers. FTP transfers are 120k/sec when transfering BIG files. > >>>The cards are made by NCR and are called NCR wavelan. There are a few OEM >>>relabeled versions of the same. > >>>I currently pass ipx, ipx and appletalk through my link. I am using it now. > >>How much are these cards? If I remember right, 902-928 is a shared band with >>hams, if so, do you think there would be enough information about these cards >>to provide an external amplifier and antenna? I'd like to go a few miles >>instead of a few yards. > >I believe no-hams can go up to 1 watt without problems. It is my understanding that this service is 1 Watt ERP, so using a directional antenna, one must back off the power to stay at or below 1 watt effective radiated power. Note that the real intent with the NCR wavelan was to wire up an office space where cabling was difficult to install. Also note that NCR sells its directional antenna (a yagi with 75 ohm match) for $1995.00! > > >In Canada they are going for about $900 each, which is about $600-700 in US >dollars. Few yards? Well, In my test, I went 8km with a 4 element yagi and >using cable tv coax. Currently I am 3km as the crow flies. Remember, they >are 1/4 watt... although not as powerful as a 50watt 2m mobile, you >certainly can get some distance with a good antenna. My only hint would be >to mount the ant with a horizontal polarity. This greatly reduced >interference from cellular and 800-900mhz pagers (normally vertical). > >I have a pc in my basement running novell 3.12. It also has a 3c509 >ethernet card. It operates as a file server and also routes ip for my unix >box and 486 machines, ipx for my ms-dos boxes, and appletalk for the IIsi. > >To see if I am reachable from your site, try ftp to > >If you know how to use nslookup, set type=uinfo then type my hostname > for the dns record. > > >ps: 1 km is about .6 miles (I am tired of US citizens asking me to > convert for them) > >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Mark Bramwell, VE3PZR Located in sunny London, Ontario > >Internet: IP Address: > Packet: VE3PZR @ VE3GYQ UWO Phone: (519) 661-3714 -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie Internet: Daniel Senie Consulting 508-365-5352 Compuserve: 74176,1347 ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #53 ******************************